In the Elementary age group, the emphasis is placed on education that develops a positive approach to learning. Purposeful and challenging experiences are designed around ideas, concepts and themes that are meaningful to students. Language Arts and Mathematics are emphasized to develop literacy and numeracy skills. Broad and balanced learning connections are developed through a variety of subjects. Students are required to write standardized assessments in both Mathematics and English throughout their Elementary School years.
■ English Language
■ Mathematics
■ Social Studies (Grades 2-5)
■ Science (Grades 2-5)
■ English Additional Language Program (EAL) (Grades 2-5)
■ Chinese Language Program
■ Art
■ Music
■ Physical Education and Health
■ Information Technology (Grades 2-5)
English language:
Reading, writing, speaking and listening are the basic skills. In the early grades, the focus is on a balanced literary program individualized to ensure continuous growth and development of the fundamental skills. In the upper elementary grades, the focus shifts to using language appropriately.
Number, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space, and Statistics and Probability are the strands of learning in the focus of studies with the use of concrete and pictorial representations leading to symbolic understanding. Upper elementary expands numeracy to include connections and applications of mathematics promoting greater mathematical literacy.
Social studies:
Global awareness, local geography and map skills, research, world geography, project work, and presentation skills are some of the topics implemented in this program. Modifications to the Canadian curriculum to reflect both the location and the nature of this school are included.
This program will explore a wide range of scientific topics. Each grade level has several units of study. The underlying philosophy is to develop an appreciation for the scientific method, reporting results, promoting curiosity and wonder of the universe and development of basic scientific knowledge.
English Additional Language Program (EAL):
Students with English as an additional language are assessed for their English fluency. Lower levels of language development are offered as an intensive program within class time.
Chinese Language Program:
Students take Mandarin for one period each day. Students are instructed at their particular level.
We will borrow from many cultures to develop a program that stresses artistic development through experience and experimentation. A variety of mediums will be explored.
As with Art, we will borrow for many cultures to create a meaningful program. Students will learn the language of music as well as practice their basic skills with instruments and vocals.
Physical Education and Health:
Students will learn and practice a full range of physical skills, as well as acquire the knowledge and attitudes about a healthy body and lifestyle.
Information Technology:
We will continually strive to integrate IT into the core subjects. All teachers will be required to use technology with their students to enhance the learning experience.