The International Baccalaureate Diploma at CISS is a rigorous pre-university course of studies leading to examinations set by IBO that meets the needs of highly motivated secondary school students in the last two years of their secondary education.
The diploma curriculum is displayed in the shape of a diploma programme model with six academic areas (subject groupings) surrounding the core. Subjects are studied concurrently and students are exposed to the two great traditions of learning: the humanities and the sciences.
Diploma candidates are required to select one subject from each of the six subject groups. Three of these subjects are taken at Higher Level (HL) and three at Standard Level (SL). By arranging work in this fashion, students are able to explore some subjects in great depth and some more broadly over the two-year period for which the programme runs.
Subject distribution requirements ensure that the science-oriented student is challenged to learn a foreign language and that the natural linguist becomes familiar with laboratory procedures. While overall balance is maintained, a degree of flexibility in choosing higher level courses allows the student to pursue areas of personal interest and to meet special requirements for university entrance.
Subjects can be taken as individual courses at SL or HL if they do not require the Diploma for admission to their next educational institution or vocational training provider. This includes the Extended Essay and the Theory of Knowledge which are offered as individual IBDP courses.
The Core Components of the IB Diploma
The programme offers the following special features in addition to the traditional strengths of a liberal arts curriculum.
Theory of Knowledge (ToK) course
This is a required interdisciplinary course intended to stimulate critical reflection upon knowledge frameworks and experience gained inside and outside the classroom. ToK challenges students to question how we acquire knowledge as well as the bases of knowledge, to become critically aware of subjective cultural and ideological biases and to develop a coherent approach to learning which transcends and unifies the academic subjects. ToK encourages an appreciation of cultural perspectives and international mindedness and culminates in two assessment pieces; an oral presentation and an essay.
The Extended Essay (EE)
Diploma candidates are required to undertake original research and write an extended essay of some 4000 words. This process of a systematic investigation in one subject area or as of 2011 in the new Interdisciplinary World Studies Extended Essay offers students the opportunity to investigate a Research Question (RQ) of special interest and acquaints students with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected at university level. Students are supported through this process by an extended essay supervisor. The process takes place over a 13 month period between DP 1 and DP 2.
The combination of ToK and the Extended Essay allows a potential 3 extra IB points to be awarded.
Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
This is a fundamental and required part of the diploma curriculum. The CAS requirement takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship, providing a refreshing counterbalance to the academic self-absorption some may feel within a demanding school programme. It is expected that students involved in service learning and creative projects will learn to become proactive in raising awareness of local and global issues.
Each student’s performance is measured against well-defined levels of achievement consistent from one examination session to the next. Top grades are not simply awarded “on a curve” to a certain percentage of candidates but rather reflect attainment of knowledge and skills relative to set standards equally applied to all authorized schools.
The Subjects for the IB Diploma:
At CISS we currently offer the following IB courses: 
Group 1 Studies in language and literature
English Language and Literature HL / SL
German Language and Literature HL / SL
English Literature HL / SL
Group 2 Language acquisition
German B HL / SL
English B HL
Group 3 Individuals and societies
History HL
History SL
Business Management HL
Business Management SL
Group 4 Sciences
Biology HL Physics HL
Biology SL Physics SL
Chemistry HL
Chemistry SL
Group 5 Mathematics
Analysis and approaches (HL and SL)
Applications and interpretation (HL and SL)
Group 6 The arts & Electives
Visual arts HL / SL Music HL or Music SL
Electives ( additional Languages, Individuals & societies, Sciences or a third language)
The Core:
Theory of Knowledge/Extended Essay /CAS
With the exception of the languages, all subjects are taught in English.

The school enters candidates for the May examination session only and offers the November examinations for retakes.
Examinations take place from May to June of the final year and may affect public holidays.
Candidates are expected to comply with the General Regulations of the Diploma Programme, the policy on Academic Honesty and the Notice to Candidates Notifications published by the IBO.