In Learning, we should always remember that knowledge originates from life and also serves life.
Especially for the little children, they can learn a lot from their surroundings.
Family also plays an important role in their leaning!
What can be done to help the children avoid boredom when staying at home during the outbreak of the NCP?
What we do in CISS kindergarten is this:
While implementing a variety of online learning lessons, we also guide our parents to conduct parents-child fun activities in which our students will have the opportunities to learn the interdisciplinary knowledge by playing and collaborating with their families!
When we think of an orange, what else can you think of apart from it just being an orange?
Color? Fruits?
Or more than that!
Using this lesson, Ms Garcia taught the students not only color of the orange, but also knowledge and skills in Math and English by using orange as an example. Now we know orange is not only a color.
Leaning about shapes—“round”!Print a picture of an orange and color it with crayons. Play with orange playdough and make balls like oranges“Circle hunting”, find things at your house that have a circle shape!Each of these things that you find are helpful in developing the children’s motor skills by drawing and language abilities by saying and spelling the names !
Explore the world——Secrets within an orangeCut an orange and taste it. Make orange juice together and then ask a question: ‘why can the delicious orange juice make us stronger?’Watch a video about oranges and then tell her/him to talk about the secrets within an orange.The students could learn the social skills and language abilities while having fun practicing.
Ms Garcia said:‘Key to the parents-child activities is to get engaged in with your child and the positive mood of the parent is very important for the child´s learning’
Since you have so many fun activities to do, you will never feel bored at home. Let’s get started!