June 18 is the date for CISS Summer Sports Meeting! Early in the morning, the executive director of our school, Madam Duan Yun A, and principal Alan Norman were waiting for each student at the school gate.
As always, the children entered the campus in an orderly fashion, but what’s different today was that each student was wearing his or her own hand-drawn "I BEAT Covid-19" themed T-shirt! At 1:00 PM, the students dressed in their favorite T-shirts, came to the playground to participate in the sports meeting! Come and have a look at the students' works!

The long-awaited sports meeting has begun! The sports meeting began with a water fight game organized by Mr. Paulo. In this summer weather, the children were chasing one another with great joy in the playground! This was just the warm up and then the sports meeting started. The students were divided into 9 groups according to age and the students completed many in an intense competition -- relay race, "egg" race, water balloon game, passing the ball...The whole playground was filled with children's laughters...