How can CISS’s Chinese ECA do without drama? Art knows no borders. Drama is an important window for children to understand the world and life. It entitles students a broader opportunity to observe the world and experience different lives.

The self-cultivation of little actors starts with saying out loud self-introduction, mandarin error-prone reading practice, tongue twister competition, training students’ breath and lung capacity, and improving children's self-confidence at the same time.

"To be or not to be, that is the question". In the emotional transformation training, the children display the same classic lines with different emotions. They understand that the art of actor is the art of feeling. During practicising no-object performance, the students "look for seats in the cinema" "walk against the wind and sand"...The classroom becomes a gorgeous and changeable space in their imagination.
The actors sit around and discuss the script. The classics are interpreted and performed by the students, presenting a new look.

In the class, there is no blunt introduction or explanation, instead there is plenty of organization, coordination and mobilization, knowledge is not 'spoken' out by teachers, but rather ' acted 'out by the students. Instead of telling the children how to act by teachers, each group cooperate with each other to work out how to act.
The power of drama makes students burst with creativity and strong interest in learning, making Chinese learning full of charm!