What is your favourite food? A juicy piece of steak? A soft and sweet piece of cake? Whatever it is, it cannot be denied that food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. This statement holds true not only for the seasoned, but also for the buttercups. Thus, in order to celebrate food in all its glory on International Food Day, the learners explored their favourite food in their own special, but still educational way.
Most people have heard of the story of ‘The Tortoise and Hare’. The grade 6s, in the vein of Aesop’s fables, had to choose two animals and their favourite food. With these aspects, they wrote stories about how these animals interacted or enjoyed their choice of delectable treats. These stories were not only phenomenal, but also inspiring due to the moral messages they conveyed.

Like food, everyone loves music. Thus, the grade 7s, joining these two loves together, expressed themselves and their love of food through their lyrical genius. Each student chose their favourite food and created songs about them. Some were popping, others dropping, but all were brilliant. Reading them, you could not help but get hooked and find yourself singing the song to yourself.

Food and poetry connect in the way that they are all perceived in their own way. The grade 8s chose a structure of poetry and their favourite food, and explored the food with their own unique style. The poems were not only fun, but insightful, distinctive and highly creative. Through the poems, you can see just how much the learners love their favourite food, and furthermore, that they are poets in the making.

Now, I am going to make the assumption that everyone at some point in their life has experimented with food. Put banana and chocolate syrup on toast or pasta in a cheese omelette. The grade 9s did just that. They were able to come up with their own inimitable recipes based on their own ingredients and methods. One of which was a lettuce sandwich for the healthy, and another, spicy brains for the adventurous. They put together the ingredients they loved, and their dishes were absolutely weird and wonderful.
There are some individuals who will not dare try something new unless they are able to read a full review of it, and so, the grade 10s wrote up articles that were almost as delicious as the foods they were writing about. The way they described the food will have your mouth watering for just a little taste of the delectable joys they love so much.

As you can see, the love and delightfulness of food can be discovered through more than just your taste buds. It can be experienced through exploring the food in various different ways. So, next time you are thinking of eating your favorite scrumdeliumptious dish, try and experience it in a new and delicious way!