In the previous week we had some meaningful activities about kindness, peace and Remembrance Day and we used them as a starting point. It is critical to teach our children and adults that kindness is the driving force to prevent most of the bullying situations in schools all around the world.
In PYP, we set up a collaborative activity within Kindergarten, Grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The purpose of this collaboration was to get our students aware about the importance of standing up against bullyies.
Mrs. Hobson introduced and explained the activity to all the students in the school hall. Mr. Maldonado announced the 6 groups (every group was composed by different grades students). Ms. Lola took the first group, the second group went with Dr. Allers, the third one went with Ms. Akhtar, the fourth was taken by Ms. Bobo and Ms. Sue, the fifth one with Mrs. Hobson and Mr. Maldonado took the last one.

In this activity, based on the Constructivist Team Dynamic Jigsaw, every teacher, in their own classroom, posed a hypothetical situation to each group, drove a discussion about it and gave them one of the pieces of a puzzle. Every student wrote down their answer to the situation discussed in that classroom. At the end of the activity, every student had collected all the pieces of the puzzle.

Then, every student, back with their Homeroom Teacher, had to complete their “Hearty” Puzzle by adding to the collected pieces, one piece with their name and grade, and another one with a personal reflection about the activity.

Last, they posted their hearts on the wall.