How did you learn to write Chinese characters? Did you stare at the characters trying to memorize every little detail? Did you write the same character a thousand times? You could do that, but the question is; why would you when there are so many more fun ways of learning? At CISS, students have been learning how to write Chinese characters… the FUN way!

One of these ways is through a variation of broken telephone. One student stands at the board with a board marker at the ready. Another student stands behind this student with their finger at the ready. The student behind draws a Chinese character on the student-in-front’s back, who then needs to write the character on the board. This allows the students to not only practice their writing skills, but thinking skills too.

Another way is through a memory game. Each student receives their own set of cards with Chinese characters. The students need to review the cards, and then place them face down on their table in any order they feel comfortable with. When the teacher calls out a Chinese character, the student needs to remember where he/she placed the character and show the teacher before any of the other students. Again, enhancing the learners thinking capabilities.

Students also build their understanding of Chinese characters through the traditional Chinese method of paper cutting. Students are provided with color paper and scissors, and the method to cutting well illustrated versions of the Chinese characters. Through this, they are able to visualize the Chinese characters in a three-dimensional way, aiding them in their understanding of it. Furthermore, it allows learners to enhance their creative abilities.

Chinese characters are not only about communicating, but also about the culture of China. Students are further immersed in the method and beauty of Chinese character writing through the cultural meaning of the characters. By understanding where the characters come from, learners are able to better engage with the design of each of the characters.

Learning Chinese characters can and should be fun and educational! With the ways mentioned above, the learners of CISS enjoy learning about Chinese characters, and so absorb what is being taught in a more effective and meaningful manner! Remember, “What we learn with pleasure, we never forget”- Alfred Mercier.