The days at home during the epidemic seem to pass much faster than usual. In the blink of an eye, spring has passed and summer holiday has begun! On June 22, one day after summer solstice, the fifth summer camp of CISS International Club is officially launched, allowing students to have a wonderful and fulfilling vacation in a relaxing and happy atmosphere.

Usually at this time of the year, it is believed that parents have put a lot of energy into arranging activities for their children during the summer holiday, making many choices, and they are overwhelmed. While every summer holiday, parents who sign up for CISS summer camp do not worry about this, because they never have to make a choice, CISS has already prepared enough for every summer camp student! No more struggling! We have the best courses, the best teachers! Here you can gain knowledge and improve English skills...

The six-week summer camp at CISS covers 15 courses in language, mathematics, science, leadership, PE, football, golf, thinking, vocal music, programming, network technology, robotics, Chinese history, Chinese cuisine, and Chinese musical instruments. Student will spend a happy holiday in CISS during this hot summer, and it is believed that every student participating in the summer camp of CISS will be one step closer on the road to straight-A student!