The word revision literally means “to look again”. The definition can change a bit depending on the context it is used in, but all the definitions share the same basic fact – revision means that you are looking again at something that has previously been written or studied to change or improve it.

G1 teacher Ms. Lorraine Du Plessis found that revision is very important for G1 students who have just entered the learning stage. Especially due to the pandemic, students had to go online. That process was very challenging, and still is, as many of the students could not converse or understand English. Due to the sheer numbers of students attending classes, and in order to track student progress or pick up what they did not understand, the teacher came up with a good way -learn new things while doing revision.

With the allocation of Teaching Assistant, Ms. Amy on 10 October, we are re-visiting all the concepts we have done in the beginning of the academic year. She translates concepts and instructions in Mandarin and Korean and answers their questions which they could not previously express. By doing this, we are making sure that students understand the basics of the work we do and will serve as the foundation on which their future studies will be built.
We will continue to re-visit work previously done to ensure that students understand it and are able to apply it.