The Australian Mathematics competition is one of the world's largest in-school math competitions. It is also well represented in China, as more than 44,000 students from more than 2,000 schools in China participated in last year’s event. The competition is designed by the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT), which is a national non-profit organization whose purpose is to enrich the teaching and learning of mathematics for students of all standards. The competition is hosted by ASDAN China Limited, who have cooperated with AMT to bring the AMC to China since 2017.
CISS have only participated in this competition once before, as it is geared to the Australian academic year and happens at an inconvenient time for our school, almost immediately after the start of the new academic year. Nonetheless, after so many disruptions with Covid over the past three years, it was felt that the time was right for the school to do something significant, to get the academic “ball rolling.”
This year we had 18 strong and keen mathematics students participating in the competition, most of them choosing to write the exam at school, rather than online. Although they found the contest challenging, they left the venue satisfied with having done an excellent job of answering those really searching questions. We here at CISS are very proud of our mathematics students, and for the effort that they put into their learning. We wish them much success in their outcome in this competition. Based on past experience, we hope to be able to celebrate our students’ successes when the results of this competition are released, probably in early November.