At the beginning of the new academic year, everyone at the Canadian International School of Shenyang willingly and whole-heartedly needs to take part in regular fire drills, as it helps them to fully grasp the building’s escape routes and the instructions they must follow to ensure their safety and that of others.
At 9:00 am, the alarm of the teaching building was activated without prior notice by our principal Mr. Norman. Immediately after, the home-room teachers and the department heads led all students and staff in the school to evacuate the teaching building while closing windows and doors. In parallel, the personnel from the office area followed the same procedure. As the students and personnel were evacuated they proceeded to reach the predetermined safe gathering area in an orderly manner guided by teachers and department heads.

How to Carry Out a Fire Drill in the School
When the fire alarm goes off, get quiet and listen up. Your teacher will remind you of what to do. Don't interrupt your teacher or talk to students next to you. There may also be an announcement on the loudspeaker, so listen up for that as well.
When there's a fire alarm, it's important to react immediately! Don't worry about the project you are working on or the game you are playing. Put your things down.
Your teacher will direct you to line up at the door. Line up in a single file line. Stay in your line.
Stay in your line as you leave the building. Follow your teacher to the nearest exit. While in line, stay quiet and keep your hands to yourself. Walk normally, and never run.
Once your class has walked to the assembly point, your teacher will probably call roll. Listen for your name and respond when you are called.