Canadian International Schoolof Shenyang (CISS) wins honor again! On April 8, CISS is awarded as one of thetop 50 international schools in China in the "2020 (1st) BestInternational Schools of China”. On the same day, the organizing committee helda grand press conference and award ceremony in Beijing. Dr. Francis Pang,chairman of the board of CISS, attended the ceremony and delivered anacceptance speech. Madam Duan Yun A, Executive Director of CISS, and Ms.Patricia Larrondo, Acting Principal of CISS attended the ceremony.

The selection of"2020 (1st) Best International Schools of China" is jointly held bythe organizing committee of the High School Principals Forum, the InternationalEducation Research Center of Yale University, Sina, Netease, Phoenix, Xinhuaand more than 10 domestic media outlets. In recent years, with China's economicdevelopment and cultural opening up, the number of overseas students studying inChina has increased significantly, and gradually shows a trend of younger age.As another choice of basic education, the high-quality teaching level ofinternational education in China, the international curriculum and all-Englishteaching are more and more popular among parents. The organizer said that theselection activity was held to spread, showcase and praise internationalschools with brands and strength in China, at the same time, promote thedevelopment of international education in China and provide the necessaryreference for parents to choose international schools.

According to relevant introduction,this activity has lasted for a year, the research covered more than half ofChina, adopting "school reputation", "teaching performance","school scale", "course system", "faculty resources","environment and facilities", "culture and alumni resources"seven big index and nine small indicators. The organizer sincerely invitedindependent international schools and international departments of publicschools in China for participation, through multiples stages, such as datatransmission platform building, research target confirmation, public data,third-party data survey, school invitation, experts’ opinions, and mediameasurement and so on. In the end, the 50 best international schools areselected from more than 1000 international schools. Among the 50 bestinternational schools, CISS is the only international school from Shenyang tobe selected among the top 50.

Canadian InternationalSchool of Shenyang (CISS) is the first international school in Northeast Chinaestablished by the internationally renowned Canada AKD International EducationInc. (AKD). It is also a school that fills the gap in the development ofinternational education in Liaoning province. AKD Group has been cooperatingwith the Chinese government in international education for more than 20 years. AKDGroup has built nearly 30 international schools and Concord Colleges in morethan 20 provinces and cities, including Beijing, Guangdong, Anhui, Guizhou,Hunan, Shandong, Gansu and Liaoning, with nearly 10,000 alumni, and itseducational level has been recognized by all sectors of society. The honor forCISS this time is also a full recognition of the educational level of all theinternational schools of AKD Group.

Founded in 2017, CISS isa 15-year school with the fundamental purpose of cultivating high-qualityinternational talents with all-round development. CISS welcomes the children offoreign nationals, green card holders and people from Hong Kong, Macao andTaiwan who are investing and doing business in Liaoning, so that they can fullyenjoy high-quality international education. After the establishment of theschool, it only takes over one year to pass multiple rounds of strict IBOreviews and becomes the 34th in China and the first IB Continuum World Schoolin Liaoning Province, further expanding its leading advantage in China,especially in the field of international education in Liaoning Province.

Dr. Francis Pang,Chairman of board of CISS, said in his speech at the award ceremony that it isour philosophy to cultivate our students to become future world leaders withglobal vision and environmental awareness. To this end, we have selected andrecruited highly qualified teachers from around the world to provide studentswith the best quality of international education. To this end, against thebackdrop of the global pandemic this year, our teachers have been staying atthe school, providing online classes and summer extracurricular activities forstudents, so that students not be affected by the epidemic and get all-roundtraining and improvement. These efforts have won the high recognition of allstudents and parents. While other international schools in Shenyang are losingstudents, the number of CISS students has doubled in the new academic year,further establishing the school's good reputation among foreigners in Shenyangand Liaoning.

According to Dr. FrancisPang, quality international education not only benefits the many children offoreign nationals in China, but also contributes greatly to the process ofinternationalization and economic and social development of a region. It is anhonor and responsibility to be selected as one of the best international schoolsin China. We will take this opportunity to move forward and make CISS the No.1brand of international education in Liaoning and even Northeast China with ourefforts, so as to provide more children with the opportunity of qualityeducation and lead them to a better future!
