CISS is hosting its first ever Science Fair in April. Students from Grades 6-8 are participating in Science Fair Contest with great enthusiasm. Students’ choice of topics shows their great interest in Science Fair, as most of them are doing it for the first time. After the completion of the Science Fair, students will be reflecting on how by completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the Global Context. They will also reflect on their development as IB learners through these projects.
Introduction to Science Fair:
A science fair is a competitive event, hosted by schools worldwide. It is one of the best learning experiences a student can undertake. The distinguishing characteristic of a science fair is that, a student chooses a scientific question he or she would like to answer. Then, library and Internet research on the question give the student the background information he or she needs to formulate a hypothesis and design an experiment. After writing a report to summarize this research, the student performs the experiment, draws his or her conclusions, and presents the results to teachers, parents and classmates using a display board. Most students do their projects for a school science fair, but in many cases, students can enter that same project in fairs at the city or county level. This is the first step in competitions that lead up to the international level.
What makes a science fair project such a great learning experience is that it involves so much more than science.
The bibliography for the report will also be the first ever for some students. And, while library research is still important, these reports are a great way to hone computer research skills.
Most projects also involve a good deal of math, and all students get an opportunity to enhance their presentation skills when they prepare their display boards and discuss their projects with the judges.
We are looking forward to the Science Fair Exhibition happening in April when students will be judged on their presentation and research skills. I wish them all best of luck for the final presentation of their learning through these projects and emerging as great IB learners.
Pictures of working and doing some awesome Science Fair experiments like:
Generating electricity using fruits and vegetables, effect of beverages on teeth, building a microphone. Aroma Therapy etc.
Some hands-on Food Science like homemade butter and rice paper. The list is long.